Baumit has over 30 years’ experience in creating our range of innovative, tested EWI and render products, designed to create beautiful, healthy homes for people to live in. We are therefore keen to give tradespeople the opportunity to use our products to create better spaces for their clients. But most importantly, we want to ensure our customers have the utmost confidence when it comes to application of EWI systems.
1 day
Designed to educate participants on the broad range of EWI installations and practices via both theoretical and hands on training at our purpose-built training facilities in Kent and Yorkshire.
6 hours
Bringing training to you with the Baumit Training Trailer. The key theoretical and practical elements are covered in this unique training experience.
Getting to 1 of our Training Academy locations may not be convenient and so we offer On-Site Approval.
If you have already been through EWI Training with another manufacturer, then we are able to come o your job site and conduct On-Site Approval.
One of our Technical Training Engineers will visit at a time that suits you, see first hand your application skills and run through some important Baumit installation techniques.