Baumit MP 69

Lightweight Cement Render

Factory prepared dry powder, lightweight lime-cement render mortar in accordance with EN 998-1. With mineral aggregates for thermally insulating masonry. For manual and machine application internally and externally as a basecoat or topcoat.

  • Internal & external use

  • Use as a base or topcoat

  • Lightweight

Suitable as a basecoat and plain finish topcoat in a two coat render system or as a basecoat to receive Baumit decorative topcoats, Baumit skimming plasters or tiles.

Baumit MP 69

Product Variants

30 kg bag
Amount of packaging on pallet:
Compressive strength
1.5 N/mm² - 5 N/mm²
Max. thickness
20 mm per coat
app. 1 kg/m²/mm
app. 2 m²/bag /15mm coat thickness
Water demand
9 - 10 /30 kg bag
Mortar group
Plaster thickness
18 mm as basecoat, 3mm topcoat (external)
Size of pallets
35 kg bag, 1 pallet = 35 bags = 1050 kg
Type of packaging

Quantity calculator

Specify the size of your project to calculate the corresponding product quantity. Note that the result is a guideline only. The consumption is subject to multiple factors and can affect the quantity needed.


Projects featuring Baumit MP 69