The prestigious Hotel Franks in the popular tourist resort of Oberstdorf with 70 exclusive rooms and luxurious suites has been comprehensively renovated. The façade and driveway, the lobby and the entrance area of the hotel, which also accommodates Baumit guests, have been extensively modernised. The hotel’s eponymous host family, who are also the investors and building clients, set great store by modernity, whilst the new look also embraces the tradition of the hotel and the region. The long-standing hotel is nestled in the High Alps of the Allgäu and is closely connected to the surrounding region. The property has been continuously expanded and developed by the Frank family since 1964. The bold red of the hotel logo contrasts with the façade with its grey brushwork paint and the light wood elements of the façade. The classic old building has been enhanced by an ETIC system with a special plaster texture in a brushed finish.

Baumit insulation system

Baumit Materials


Alpstein GmbH


Schlegel Wilhelm GmbH


Hotel Franks Oberstdorf




Thermal Renovation